Tuesday 23 February 2010

Upon receipt of the module handbook for 3835, I swiftly began reading through it and it wasn’t long before my mind had wondered and negative thoughts of how overwhelming everything was and how I had no idea of what was being asked of me.

I realised then that it was imperative I attend the first campus session on the 16th of February.

It was the only session I can attend this module and I am really pleased I could. I had attended 2 campus sessions during the last module and hadn’t really felt they were always as productive as I would of liked. This was completely different.

It was run in a way, I have learned from embarking on this course that I love.

It was well planned and efficient in delivering all the information we needed to start this module. Although it was similar to previous sessions in that it was thought provoking

Paula and Rosemary covered all topics such as research, learning diaries and project ideas. I had a better understanding of what was needed.

The main thing I realised from the session was that I had no idea what I wanted to research, A few really helpful pointers were given about choosing a topic.

Firstly it must be something you are passionate about, as you will be spending the best part of a year researching it.

Secondly it must be a worthwhile project with an outcome of some use. Who will the results of the research effect and what could the consequences of the results be?

Thirdly it is important to consider your circumstances and access to resources.

This was particularly relevant for me as I will be moving to China at the end of the month and will have limited access to the large network of professionals I have met throughout my training and career. Also Most of my research for this module will have to be done online. Although I will be back in the UK in July I have no idea how long for and by the time it comes to actually carrying out the project who knows where I’ll be! So I have arrived at the conclusion I will need to do a fairly self-contained project that I am able to undertake anywhere in the world.

So the big question I ask my self now is what will that project be? I am in two minds here, The reason I started the degree was so I could broaden my horizons and set myself up in a better position for when I hang up my dancing shoes. So I feel to do a project about performance and possibly end up with a degree title along those lines would be a cop out and perhaps be less beneficial I the long run.

However, that’s me, that’s my life and what I am living through at the moment. It’s my professional practise and what the course is all about so who knows what I will decide.

So, what I have learnt about myself so far?

I am a lover of minimal information; The handbook for me was inefficient. I need to be told what I need to do and I will do it. No

I am a self confessed panic merchant (a dramatic one at that)

Things take a few days to really sink in after my initial panic of “ I have no idea what I’m doing” And few hours of beating myself up for being stupid for not understanding straight away what I should do.

After a few days of digesting information I am fine.

I do love list making, the highlight of the session for me was the checklist we made of what we needed to be thinking about and what we needed to be doing.

So there’s a little about my week and what’s been going around in my head. I am really trying to think about a project topic but also this week my mind is consumed with moving to China, getting there, starting a new job, a new culture and of course leaving the familiar behind, again!

1 comment:

  1. Wrestling with a topic is always the most challenging aspect of a research project. Another way in is to do a bit of reading but as both Paula and Peter say - choose something that's of interest to you, or else something that will help you career development... keep in touch
