Thursday 10 December 2009

blog help!

Does anyone know how to receive feeds on your comments?
I have the setting to receive an e-mail when someone comments on my blog, but when I write on someone elses and then they comment I am none the wiser.

Does anyone know the answer?


  1. What does feed mean!!Haha i never know if people have commented i just check my blog eveyday and click through every post to see!!
    Im sure there is a way manybe you could ask Pete as he is a computer wizard!!!

  2. I totally agree!!! Its very annoying to not get an email to notify you. Its really easy to miss a comment. How do you get the setting to email you when someone has commented on your blog??

  3. i've wondered the same for a while now. and does anyone know how to get alerts from blogger onto your phone?? i've tried but i keeps failing!

    there must surely be a way to edit where your feeds/alerts can go?!

  4. I feel the same, it would be really useful to have a notification app where as soon as you log in it tells you who has replied. Like facebook.

  5. Tara,
    Just wondered, have you ever worked at the Moulin, Paris??? My friend is one of the principal dancers there.


  6. Hi girls,

    Sorry i need to get around to asking Peter. Can't seem to join him up on my blog though.
    It is so annoying and time consuming!
    There is a section on the blog where they guide you through doing things. Thats how i set up notifications.

  7. in agreement with wanting a notification of comments, it would help a lot, not a clue how though - has anyone had any luck? My only solution was to jot down how many comments and just check to see if the number had changed - which is totally useless and i don't recommend it!!
