Thursday 15 April 2010

Just a random observation about myself.

I have learned today that I must write things on paper first.
I have been staring unproductively at my computer for many hours trying to write my project proposal and was really struggling. When i write on pen and paper things come much more easily.
I was trying to save time by typing straight away but think in the end I will have spent longer, oh well you live and learn!


  1. Good thing, well sometimes i write on paper when i truely feel like, but to be honest most of the time am attached to my laptop so when i type i literally go straight unto my laptop be it assay or anything.
    so it depends on the person how they feel either pencil on paper or straight on to laptop, but sincerely its better to write it down first before going unto the computer. that was the way we were taught and it should continue that way.

    it also help you build and correct your vocabulary unlike the laptop or pc sometimes it doesn't highlight your mistakes.

  2. Hi Tara!
    I totally agree! I have hand written all of my work so far! I get a mental block on the laptop so always rely on good old fashioned paper! My mum always says to me that i am wasting time but i know that i am most definitely NOT!!!!
    Good Luck with your progect propsal!
    Soph x
