Saturday 31 October 2009

Reflection, our day at the campus.

Kolb's learning cycle

Today we attended Middlesex University, where we got to interact with our peers. Our main topic of converstation was Kolb's learning cycle.

Stage 1: Concrete experience (Doing, having the experience)
We learnt that this is a fact that has happened, with not emotional attachmenent.

Stage 2: Reflective observation (Reviewing, relfecting on the experience)
This is what we have seen, witnessed, experienced...

Stage 3: Abstract conceptualistion (Concluding, learning from the experience)
This is what you have learnt from the experience.

Stage 4: Active experimentation (Planning, trying out what you have learnt)
Putting into practice what we have learnt.

Reflecting upon essays that we have read today, we can now understand better how to dissect and what is useful information and what is emotive writing. For example, sentences such as, 'This is nice' has not value or meaning, because it does fit into any stage of the cycle, to do so it would need to be expanded.

We also learnt about the learning diary:
-Cue Memory
-Focus, notice re-occurences
-Develop action
-Give evidence to back up thoughts

If the diary does not contain these elements, then it is worthless as it cannot be used in the future, or be reflected on, and experiences will not be able to be drawn

1 comment:

  1. Good. Work TP!!!!!!! I will try and learn french as fast as I can!
