Thursday 1 October 2009

Whatever happened to my little pony?

I have just seen this video posted on a friends facebook, while it is quite amazing they have reached this standard already, I wonder what sort of training regime they must have, and is really natural for children so young to be so advanced? I am all for natural talent but i just hope there are not three mothers with whips at home!

I don't have children yet but at the age of seven this Isn't what i envisaged!


  1. Hey you did you speak to glenda?She told me she heard from you!
    I love that video of those kids their so goo. As a perfectionist thats how good i'd like my 7year olds, i showed my boyfriend tho and he thought it was freaky that girls of that age danced that way, i suppose it goes to show how quicky children are growing up these days.

  2. Hey Tara,
    I agree with you 100% about this video. I think that those 3 young girls have got amazing talent and a completely natural dancing ability with great rhythm. But, I think that the dance is far too provocative for girls of that age. It is a sad reflection of the world we live in where children are growing up far too fast; they are too busy wanting to be grown ups and loosing out on their childhood.
    At that age I was playing with My Little Pony, and that was fun!

  3. I have to say this clip is amazing!! I saw it weeks back and fell in love with it. You can see the children are really in tune with the music and look like they are having an awesome time.
    On top of that there technique is amazing!! I too hope they are able to enjoy dance while training to achieve this high level of training.
    This link on You Tube lead to another link and another link and there are is just an endless amount of young talented dancers out there now. I think its not that the training has gotten better from when we were young but I think children now days have more options and schools to attend. Dancing is now seen as not just a hobby but as a career.Parents will invest a lot of time and money into there children.
    I think the danger lies when the parent stops listening to the wants of the child and the child in turn ends up hating dance and burning themselves out .

  4. Of course to have reached this standard at such a young age is admirable, and their teacher is obviously a really good one, They must train a lot and follow a far different syllabus from here in England. Maybe we are too laid back in this country and if we were more intense with our training we would produce a higher standard of young dancer, after all we have all seen the evidence from countries such as China and Russia, where the child dancers train for hours and hours a day.
    But still regarding this video i agree with Ciera that the content is far too provocative,I think that they could of showcased there talent in a far more suitable way.

  5. I do not think it is a case of being too laid back in England but the quality of training is different. In America don't forget that at school most of the kids are in the cheerleading squad learning how to flip and tumble which I think helps them into becoming a better dancer. While in England and Australia most sports offered by most primary schools have nothing to do with dance.

    Children are growing up faster these days.
    They do not want to be dancing to songs that are not in the top 40 or to songs deemed appropriate for their age.
    They want to be performing to the latest " get up and go song" which unfortunately more appropriate for a 15 year old.
    I agree maybe the teacher could have chosen to show off the children’s talent in a more age appropriate way . But you have to admit it is entertaining.
